Comfort-based control strategies for VAC systems

Comfort modeling and development of control strategies to increase individual user comfort in open-plan offices.

Solar influences on a room with window front


Approximately 40% of the world's energy is consumed by buildings. Therefore, building technology is a significant key factor for the energy transition to renewables. In tropical climates like Singapore particularly ventilation and air conditioning systems (VAC systems) play an important role and open up great saving potential by considering the building as a holistic system. In addition to growing demands for energy efficiency, the thermal comfort of the occupants is of increasing importance. However, comfort is rarely evaluated or taken into account after commissioning a building. Furthermore, common comfort models used for design usually only capture averaged comfort requirements but disregard individual preferences.

ANSYS Fluent simulation of a simple room


The main project goal is the development of model-based approaches that focus on individual thermal comfort. The modeling of comfort with the help of user feedback forms the basis for control strategies that take into account individual preferences so that room conditions can be defined accordingly. In addition to a pure temperature control, the effects of increased air speed for individual cooling is taken into account and included in the modeling process.


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