A major topic in the automotive industry is piloted driving. Piloted driving qualifies a vehicle to take over the driving task from the driver. During development of such a vehicle automation system on one hand it has to be ensured that these system are safe. On the other hand it needs an appropriate availability so that the customer can use it extensive.
One issue to validate the piloted driving systems safety is that current vehicles are available in million different configurations. Most of them are not correlated to the safety however not standard chassis actuators have to be considered in the validation process. Since these chassis acutators are coupled in terms of the resulting vehicle dynamics these interdepencies have to investigated and considered in the vehicle control.
The goal of this project is to develope an integrated control algorithm that tracks the vehicle along a desired trajectory up to the handling limits of the vehicle. All actuators are controlled in a central control unit to avoid unwanted interdepencies. Since there are different stages of vehicle automation they all have to be considered. The final control structure has to abstract the vehicle motion planning from the current available actuator set to guarantee independent development cycles.
The final concept is validated in several testing vehicles like an Audi A8 and Q7 with different actuator sets to proof its modularity and its robustness.